GeoSpatial Innovation
GeoSpatial Innovation
Description of the technology
GeoStorm is a geospatial platform made to offer storage, processing and broadcast of all geo-information. It allows you to conduct advanced analytics on your geolocalized data to make the right decisions. GeoStorm has the tools and services for an adapted valorization :
- Import of web services Geo WMS, geodatabase
- Image comparison
- Drawings (line, point, polyline, label) and adding of data attributes
- Distance, area, measurements
- Temporal data filtering
- Intervisibility calculation and maps
- Heat map production
- Spatial, attribute and temporal queries
- Data export adatped to your clients (pdf, HTML, links, …)
Major features
- Easy integration of your data
- Data acquisition made easy through a simplified ergonomic and standard compliance
- Geolocalised or localisable data accessible to all
- Make your information geo-valuable
- A geolocalised precise data capacity and an easy access to the information
- A capacity of time event management
- Unleash the power of your information by merging it
- Ensuring consistency of data in order to facilitate processing, fusion and analysis
- An ability to integrate information flow adapted to the user needs
- Publish valuable data
- A formatting and visualisation capacity of information, based on a wide range of representation tools
The Geo-decisional adapted to your business
- Taking into account the operation feedback of CS’s clients, the GeoStorm platform has the ability to cope with your work environment, no matter your level of expertise. Indeed, its design and its intuitive approach were thought for a quick taking of ownership of the tool.
- Standard compliant and based on open-source software, its modular approach makes it easy to integrate into your own infrastructure or a virtualized one.
- The implemented technologies inside the development of the GeoStorm platform offer scalability to respond to load increases.
- Adapted to meet different businesses, it is a multi-platform solution including mobile devices.
Current programs
GeoStorm EU
GeoStorm is the solution chosen by more than a dozen companies and organizations to respond to various problems. Visit the dedicated website to learn more.